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Here you can find the list of ontologies developed for AURORAL project

If you want to contribute developing ontologies please follow the guidelines we provide

Ontology Description Requirements Repository Issue tracker Releases Payloads
AURORAL Core ontology This ontology aims to model the DLT data exchanged for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases Core Payloads
AURORAL Privacy This ontology aims to model the data privacy for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases Privacy Payloads
AURORAL Tourism This ontology aims to model the tourism data domain for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases Tourism Payloads
AURORAL Adapters This ontology aims to model the adapters domain for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases Adapters Payloads
AURORAL Marketplace This ontology aims to model the marketplace domain for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases Market Payloads
AURORAL Biomass This ontology aims to model the biomass domain for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases Biomass Payloads
AURORAL Logistic This ontology aims to model the logistic domain for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases Logistic Payloads
AURORAL Energy This ontology aims to model the energy domain for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases Energy Payloads
AURORAL Car-booking This ontology aims to model the car booking domain for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases Car-booking Payloads
AURORAL Mobility This ontology aims to model the Transportation domain for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases Mobility Payloads
AURORAL Farming This ontology aims to model dairy production of cow for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases Farming Payloads
AURORAL Cell-Tower This ontology aims to model the cell tower domain for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases Cell-tower Payloads
AURORAL EV-charger This ontology aims to model the electrical vehicle charger domain for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases EV-charger Payloads
AURORAL cow This ontology aims to model the cow domain for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases EV-charger Payloads
AURORAL publication This ontology aims to model the publications domain for the AURORAL project Ontology Requirements Ontology Repository Ontology Issue Tracker Ontology Releases EV-charger Payloads