Here you can find the list of the requirements identified for the AURORAL ontology and their main features.

Identifier Partner Competency Question /
Natural language sentence (fact)
Answer Status Superseded by Priority
energy-1 UPM What are the attributes of a building Identifier, Name, heating area, construction year
energy-2 UPM A building belongs to a municipality
energy-3 UPM Municipality is a feature of Interest
energy-4 UPM Building is a feature of interest
energy-5 UPM A building has TotalEnergyconsumption perYear
energy-6 UPM A building has energy use intensity per square/meter
energy-7 UPM Energy has Price
energy-8 UPM The Cost Price Per season is a Price
energy-9 UPM The Cost Price Per season has agreement
energy-10 UPM Types of Agreement can be : FixedAgreement, Variable Agreement, StandardAgreement
energy-11 UPM A fixed Agreement has a contractTime
energy-12 UPM Season are : Winter, Spring, Autumn, Summer
energy-13 UPM Energy has source
energy-14 UPM Energy sources can be : Fuel OIl, Natrural Gas, Fire Wood, Lignite Briquette, Electricity Grid
energy-15 UPM Energy Price depends on consumer type
energy-16 UPM Types of consumer can be : Apartement, House without electric heating, house with electric heating, larger households
energy-17 UPM Measurement has Unit
energy-18 UPM Unit of measurement are. KiloWattHourYear, KiloWattHourSquareMeter, Kilogram, CubicMeter