Here you can find the list of the requirements identified for the AURORAL ontology and their main features.

Identifier Partner Competency Question /
Natural language sentence (fact)
Answer Status Superseded by Priority
Requirement 1 UPM Electrical Vehicle charger (EVC) is a Device
Requirement 2 UPM What are the attributes related to the EVC ? id, UUID, date created, number of points, general comment
Requirement 3 UPM EVC has a data provider
Requirement 4 UPM Data provider has the attribute (dcterms:license, dcterms:right)
Requirement 5 UPM EVC has en Operator
Requirement 6 UPM Operator has the following attributes (WebsiteURL, PhonePrimaryContact, PhoneSecondaryContact, IsPrivateIndividual, BookingURL, ContactEmail, Title)
Requirement 7 UPM A EVC has an UsageType
Requirement 8 UPM UsageType has the following attributes (isPayAtLocation, IsMembershipRequired, isAccessKeyRequired, Title)
Requirement 9 UPM EVC has an address
Requirement 10 UPM An address has the following attributes (Title, Adresse, Town, Postcode, contactTelephone1, contactEmail, relatedURL, AccessComments) lat, long, alt
Requirement 11 UPM An address belongs to a country
Requirement 12 UPM A country has the following attributes (ISOCode, ContinetCode, Title)
Requirement 13 UPM The address is located in a geoPoint
Requirement 14 UPM geoPoint has the following attributes (lat, long)
Requirement 15 UPM An ECV has connector
Requirement 16 UPM Connector has a statusProperty
Requirement 17 UPM Connector is a Device
Requirement 18 UPM Connector has connectionType
Requirement 19 UPM ConnectionType has the following attributes (FormalName, isDiscontinued, isObsolete, Title)
Requirement 20 UPM Connector has Property (adapters:EnergyProperty: Voltage, amps, and POwer)
Requirement 21 UPM Connector has current Type.
Requirement 22 UPM EVC has a StatusProperty
Requirement 23 UPM StatusProperty are: OperationalStatus and SelectableStatus