Here you can find the list of the requirements identified for the AURORAL ontology and their main features.
Identifier (domain+id) | Responsible partner | "Competency Question / Natural language sentence (fact)" | Answer | Status (Proposed, Accepted, Rejected, Deprecated) | Superseded by | Comments | Extracted from (provenance) | "Priority (High, Medium, Low)" | Relation with other requirements | Associated ontology elements |
biom-1 | UPM | Which attributes has the Biomass? | Identifier, name, trading form, dimension, primary energy cost, primary energy cost obs, Pcikwhperkg, pcimjperkg | |||||||
biom-2 | UPM | Biomass has origin | ||||||||
biom-3 | UPM | Which attributes has the biomass origin? | identifier, description | |||||||
biom-4 | UPM | Biomass has a group | ||||||||
biom-5 | UPM | Which attributes has the Biomass group? | identifier, description, name | |||||||
biom-6 | UPM | Biomass has a sub-group | ||||||||
biom-7 | UPM | which attributes has the Biomass sub-group? | identifier, description, name | |||||||
biom-8 | UPM | Biomass has a type | ||||||||
biom-9 | UPM | which attributes has the Biomass type? | identifier, description, name | |||||||
biom-10 | UPM | Biomass has a sub-type | ||||||||
biom-11 | UPM | Which attributes has a biomass sub-type? | identifier, description, name | |||||||
biom-12 | UPM | What is the humidity of a biomass? | identifier, description, name | |||||||
biom-13 | UPM | what are the ashes class of a biomass? | identifier, description, name | |||||||
biom-14 | UPM | A biomass has a quantity | ||||||||
biom-15 | UPM | There are 4 types of quantity: total quantity, current quantity, bought quantity, sold quantity, | ||||||||
biom-16 | UPM | Bought quantity is related to a group | ||||||||
biom-17 | UPM | Sold quantity is related to a group | ||||||||
biom-18 | UPM | Sold quantity is per caliber | ||||||||
biom-19 | UPM | Sold quantity per caliber has a caliber and a trading form |